
Providing a Range of Power Management and Control Services Since 1979

What we do at Saftronics can be extremely complex. We’re aware that the language we use in-house on an everyday basis might not be known to everyone. Therefore, we’ve put together this list of terms which should help you understand what we do a little bit better. If you see something that you think should be added just drop us a line.

The name given to ‘The Fourth Industrial Revolution’. Industry 4.0 uses a connected set of processes, systems, people, internet connected objects (the Internet of Things – IoT) and the resulting information to drive transformation of manufacturing and other industries. The expected benefits are to be seen in efficiency, agility, innovation, costs, revenues and customer experience.

Programmable Logic Controllers were originally developed to replace relay logic systems while providing the same functionality and introducing the ability to be deployed in harsh conditions. A PLC makes decisions based on logic and arithmetic operations by monitoring the signals that are input from sensors, switches or other forms of device.

Motor Control Centre – an assembly containing separate, enclosed compartments powered by a common bus (usually copper bars), each containing the necessary power and control components forming an electric motor starter. An MCC provides a centralised means to control motors distributed throughout a plant.

With the growth in technology and use of Internet connected devices, both at home and in business, “Made Smarter” is an industry-led review exploring how manufacturing in the UK can maximise the benefits through adopting digital technology. Often discussed in relation to the services and technologies forming Industry 4.0.

Variable Speed Drive – A means of controlling, typically, 3 phase AC motors. A VSD provides energy saving in high demand process control areas by adjusting the speed of a motor to match the current load. The use of a VSD increases the lifespan of AC motors and potentially that of related machinery.

A means to ensure that all interested parties are able to obtain, with a very high degree of certainty, the most recent iteration of a document or software code.

Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition. A category of software application employed in process environments to gather data from several remote systems in order to provide centralised, real time condition monitoring, control and logging. Often utilised in power plants, oil and gas processing, transportation and clean/dirty water processing.



Traditional Motor Control Centre (MCC) functional units, such as a motor starter, rely on locally, door mounted switches and indicators, combined with a limited set of signals that can be sent to a PLC. An Intelligent MCC starter introduces greater functionality from a simplified design, providing the benefits of enhanced flexibility, reduced physical size and reduced maintenance requirements.


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